Flying with your Wheelie

We all make our own adventures with the Wheelie. Some do a day trip in their area, some walk the Camino de Compostela and others walk for months to conquer continents. Another challenge can be how to come to your start/finish of your adventure. This often includes Public transport in various ways.


You get challenged many times before you even start on your walk: Buses, trains, metro, ferries, airports or maybe even hitchhiking your way to finally get rest on your first walking day.

My biggest fear in that hectic time is losing parts! Most while assembling and reassembling ROADTURTLE. Stress can be high if a security guard at the airport is in your face or the bus had to leave five minutes ago already.


Easiest way is to get a luggage trolley and than go to a quiet area where you can disassemble your Wheelie.

1. Remove the Towbars, Mounting screws, Wheels, Axes, Spacers.

1a. The Towbars I keep together with tiewraps, same as the Wheels.

1b. The mounting screws and axes, spacers I do in a ziplock bag.

2. The bars and wheels I store in my own tailor-made bag that has more gear and will go into the check-in as luggage. (Note by Radical Design: we don't have a tailor made bag, but we sell the Undercover, in size L you can store a disassembled Wheelie).

The ziplockbag I do into my hand luggage, as I don't want to loose them!!!

3. Now the trolley comes in handy: I put my naked frame/bag on it, my second piece of luggage and my handbag. Now I don't have to do it all in front of the check-in desk and gives peace of mind. And I have all the time to check, check and double check I have all my parts and pieces with me. I am ready for check-in!

4. Check-in: The bag/frame is considered one item. At check-in you can offer them as Special Luggage. The other piece will go as normal luggage and my Radical Design Satellite bag is my hand luggage.

5. Pffff, WELL NOW YOU CAN RELAX. Check-in completed...

Well it looks childish the way I write it down, but hopes it gives some relief at these stressful moments. (Spacers for the Wheels are the easiest to go their own way, so its wise to have some spare ones).

'while arriving at Kyiv airport, Ukraine I discovered my telescope pole attached to the Wheelie was gone. Damn!!! Half an hour later a Cleaning Lady waved with the pole in her hand. BAD ROADS GOOD PEOPLE could begin'.


Anyway I did lots of adventures with ROADTURTLE, my walkingtrailer and most often staff is eager to help you. This is also the time you get distracted the most. You have to buy a ticket, take the wheels out, secure the handles, Put the overweight Wheelie in place, get a seat, don't have a eye on your gear etc. You are vulnerable as often buses are to high, trains are narrow and your hitchhike moment turns into a nightmare as your bars are still under the seat while the car drives off.

'ROADTURTLE was all covered in cow dung but the friendly Frenchman did give me a ride to the hospital. My wrist had fractured while coming down the mountains from Port de Salau, Pyrenees'.

While on the road, things often not go as planned. But there is one remedy: Keep on Walking!!!

Flying with your Wheelie-image
Flying with your Wheelie-image

For more adventures of Kayak Cobber with Roadturtle, check out his Instagram: